Hubungan Konsumsi Makanan Manis Dengan Kejadian Karies Gigi Pada Anak Prasekolah Di TK B RA Muslimat PSM Tegalrejodesa Semen Kecamatan Nguntoronadi Kabupaten Magetan

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Sumini Sumini Bibi Amikasari Devi Nurhayati


Sweet foods is a simple carbohydrate because it is soluble in water and is directly
absorbed by the body to convert into energy. The problem is almost entirely obtained in
10 children experience dental caries. From the preliminary study on 12 March 2014
obtained 7 children rarely eat sweet foods, caries gigidan 4 children 3 children not
experienced by charismatic teeth RA Moslem children in the village of Cement District of
PSM Tegalrejo Nguntoronadi Magetan. This study aims to determine the relationship of
sweet food consumption with incidence of dental caries in preschool children in RA
Moslem village of Cement District of PSM Tegalrejo Nguntoronadi Magetan.
The study was conducted in March to Mei.Metode used in this study are
correlational and cross-sectional survey design to use. The population of this study are all
children in the RA's Women PSM Tegalrejo, Cement Village, District, Nguntoronadi,
Ponorogo by 33 Children with saturated sampling techniques. Methods of data collection
using questionnaire and caries examination. Then the data were analyzed with the aid of
computerized using statistical test ChiSquare.
The results showed almost 26 respondents seluruhya consumption of sweet foods
(78.8%) who frequently consume sweet foods. And almost all of 30 respondents (90.9%)
had caries g Based on the results of data analysis using Chi-Square test statistic obtained
correlation coefficient 0.609 with significance level of 0.000. Because p-value = 0.000
<0.05, it can be concluded that Ho is rejected which means that there is a relationship
with the consumption of sweet foods incidence of dental caries in preschool children in
the RA's Women Psm Tegalrejo Cement Village Subdistrict Nguntoronadi Magetan.
The conclusion of this research is almost entirely children experience dental
caries, and how to prevent it is diligent in cleaning your child's teeth every day ie
morning and evening before bed, do counseling to parents on how to prevent dental
caries, consult and perform routine checks to the dentist.


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