Perbedaan Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Trimester III Sebelum dan Sesudah diberikan Penyuluhan Tentang KB IUD Pasca Plasenta di BPM NY. E Desa Serangan Kecamatan Mlarak Kabupaten Ponorogo

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Sumini Sumini


Based on data from East Java Health department (2014) showed that
active participant of family planning of contraceptive method were 43,4 %, 56,6
% didn’t use long term contracpetive method. From active new acceptors 31,7 %
used long term contraceptive method, and 68,3 % didn’t use it. Based on the
preliminary in the village Serangan sub district of Mlarak Ponorogo, 4 out of 10
respondents were had study by interview good knowledge about contraceptive
IUD Post Placenta and 6 out of 10 respondents were not interest. Problems that
have occurred one mothers have failed in the installation of post plasetal IUD
contraception. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in maternal
knowledge about contraceptive before and after counseling about IUD Post
Plasenta in BPM NY E Serangan village Mlarak, Ponorogo.
The type of research was one group pre post test design. The sampling
technique was Total sampling. Research intruments Questionnaire. Population of
this research intruments 30 third trimester pregnant women. With a total sample
of 30 respondents. Research condueted in January 18 – 28 days, variable of
research was independent variables and date analyzed by paired T– test.
The result of the research before the counseling of 30 respondents get 21
most respondents ( 70% ) had less knowledge cathegory, while knowledge after
most 21 respondents ( 70 % ) had enough cathegory. Ha test statistic test is
accepted when ρ < 0,05. It can be concluded 0,000 < 0,05. That is, there is
difference knowledge of pregnant mother of trimester III before and after given
counseling about IUD Post Placenta at BPM NY “ E” Serangan village sub
district Mlarak regency Ponorogo.
It is expected that the results of this study can be used to be input for
health workers, especially in BPM Ny “ E” Serangan villages to support trimester
pregnant women III by providing counseling related to post placental IUD


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